Perhaps, these films just aren’t made for me.

From the writers of The Hangover comes the movie Bad Moms, a movie about a group of moms who decide to stop trying to be the perfect mothers, starring Mila Kunis and Kristin Bell.

From this trailer, I am beginning to notice a weird trend appear in these female-driven comedies: the frazzled, outlandish mother. And, full well that I will get backlash for giving another movie trailer with an all female cast a bad review, I feel like this could work if it all didn’t seem so forced.

I myself am not a mom, so maybe I have no room to judge. But with other films like “Mom’s Night Out” making mom’s having a mental and emotional breakdown the subject of comedy, like Mila Kunis seems to be having for 98 percent of this trailer, the gimmick is starting to seem a bit forced and, dare I say it, insulting. As a woman who is about to get married, with both myself and my fiance not wanting kids, this does nothing more than make children seem like burdens and the women who care for them seem like mental basket cases. Though I am not doubting that motherhood is hard and draining at times, (hence, one of the reasons I don’t want to be one) this film doesn’t make the women seem like they are handling any of it well to the point where it just comes off as incredibly sad.

I don’t get what they are trying to do with Kunis’s character in this trailer. She seems to be on the verge of tears in every line. She can barely get her kids to school without bad, slap-sticky antics. She throws and all-out child-like freak out in her office we she realizes she is late for a meeting. This isn’t a stressed-out mom who is struggling with the expectations of being a parent in 2016, this is a crazy person who couldn’t tie their own shoes without having a panic attack. How is that funny? How is that realistic?

Apart from forced comedy through our frazzled protagonist, the whole drama surrounding the PTA, with their over the top rules and regulations involving a GMO, gluten free bake sale, I can’t help but feel that this film isn’t going to give us insightful comedy on the over whelming amount of expectations parents may feel today, but rather give us cartoony caricatures of characters that are just there for a cheap gag. This isn’t a film about the struggles of being a perfect parent by people who have the incite to write about it. This looks like a movie by people who think this is what women do when they get stressed, and it paints them as incompetent and crazy rather than human beings who may get wound up due to their circumstances.

Hopefully, this film does give us some smart commentary about motherhood and the stress that comes with it. But with the writing and producing team it has behind it, I can only see what I try-hard film this will probably turn out to be.